We have established ARONIA Ireland Ltd. to design, develop and deliver effective and appealing aronia berry products to consumers. Aronia berries have amazing nutritional properties, thanks to their exceptionally high polyphenol content.
We are applying extensive science based nutritional insight and consumer understanding to create a range of innovative aronia berry products under our PhyterBerry™ brand with a clear compelling proposition.
With world renowned nutritional expertise and multinational marketing experience, we aim to bring the amazing nutritional benefits of Aronia to market. We have created a high value nutraceutical range which converts aronia berry extract into concentrated polyphenol essence, powders and capsules. We also use the juice as refreshing tonic type products.
You can learn more about our full range of our PhyterBerry™ aronia berry products here

Good for you, good for society and good for the environment
We have a holistic vision here at Aronia Ireland Ltd. and we aspire to develop appealing nature-based aronia products that also contribute to public health, the environment and the economy more broadly.
The aronia berry products we are developing draw upon cutting edge scientific thinking on how improved diets can help prevent the most critical public health problems of our time
We are further catalysing the vital changes towards plant-based nutrition. Aronia can thrive in the climate of Ireland and the UK. This will assist the agricultural sector in meeting its obligations to decarbonise and address climate change
Supporting farmers to grow Aronia bushes and creating demand for the berries will provide a high value crop, diversifying agriculture away from prevailing carbon intensity and opening an opportunity for change
In addition to our R&D programme, Steve’s organically certified farm in West Cork is the first in Ireland to establish a commercial Aronia berry plantation. We are also working with a major UK estate commenced planting aronia in 2022.
Nutritional Benefits of Aronia

Aronia berries, which are also known as chokeberries, are a genuine power food. The potential of aronia berries to contribute to (human health) wellness and vigour are only now being fully understood.
Aronia berries have one of the highest polyphenol contents of any berry or vegetable – much higher than popular products such as acai berries and turmeric.
By designing specific dietary supplements with
exceptionally high polyphenol content, we offer a unique, natural and sustainable range of products that can contribute to vitality and well-being.
What are Polyphenols?
Polyphenols are a range of chemical compounds that constitute the core immune system of plants, functioning to protect the plant by fighting infections, deterring predators and sheilding the plant from environmental stress. Polyphenols are strong antioxidants and have a wide range of physiological benefits that can improve human health.
Currently average dietary intakes of polyphenols are low in many European countries, including Ireland and the UK.

Benefits of Polyphenols
There are a large and rapidly increasing number of studies showing various benefits from polyphenols across a wide range of areas linked to metabolism, such as:
- Cardiovascular function
- Inflammation and changes associated with ageing,
- Cognitive function
- The ability to fight infections
- Stabilising blood sugar levels
- Strengthening the microbiome
- Rejuventating the skin and complexion
For more information and supporting scientific evidence on polyphenols and their contribution to metabolic health, please visit The Science.
Our Products
We continue to expand our PhyterBerry™ aronia products and you will find all the latest products listed here or in our Shop.
To find out more about each specific aronia product and the polyphenol content of each, you will find further information in Our Products.